Left Pillar
Right Pillar


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 DA UPDATE 10/11/2024

you like the layout? you reading this and enjoying this mess? good im glad. This is the future of DBS right here. im going to chat GPT a line of code actually a whole buncha code and im gonna turn this into my full time blog. I wanna go full wonka mode no one ever goes in or out. I know I use that refference alot but I like that idea. that choloate factory type shit. where my oompa loompas at making the shirts. you could take it over for me when I get tired and I gotta go back to the space station. I completely forgot the actual plot of th book series lmao, I remember the glass elevator and he take charlies whole ass family bed and all up to a space ship? I cant be bothered to look it up right now but anyway I do have a plan for the next few years to downgrade my online presents precents presets theres no spell check on the html editor im using so I just go like 1000 words per min and dont ever look back. you also, I also really love to go back and read this stuff a week later and get a laugh at the obsertity and halarious spelling mistakes as I type this as fast as I can. but yeah back on track, I would love to archive my twitter on here and then probably lock my profile or delete it outright. probably put it on ice instead so it at least shows up on boolian searches boolein thats another mil dolla word. Then After that Ill just use whatever system i make to continue to post content on here. Or maybe move to a compeltely new medium like video on youtube? idk i feel like a level 50 troll shamen hanging around the barrens still, its time to go to... damn see I even forgot the names of wow locations. My brain is filled with cool new knowlege im forgetting KEY moments in my life like roll doll books and WoW. But yeah Im gonna do a few last things before moving on. One more hat release. One more Hat game night. one or two more releases. but we'll see, things aways happens.

 DA UPDATE 6/01/2024

hey sorry for never updating this i got busy (lie) ummm yeah ok no for real? gotta do some house cleaning. Im thinking of retiring a lot of old shirts and just like tanking a lot of shit in favor of some newer swag. i got some ALSO yeah i got some special hats that are competion prizes for the next game night. also stickers, like real ass stickers yall just love to put on your pelican cases or bottle that you can show off at your course or class lol. DBS APP download at the store nah jk theres a few things i gotta make sure i finish first and then i will be busy as a worker bee or hornet or wasp or whatever bug you think of when you look at me. maybe you hate me and look at me like a worthless worm on your pavement baking in the hot sun. youre a real peice of crap if you look at lower life forms that way. i take bugs outside when is see them, im a good person not like you. sorry OBVIOUSLY not you, the person reading this, youre an angel and we would be friends IRL i think because youre here now. ok back on track tho i just gotta get some more inso which is hard when your locked in at work and youre not alowed to be a tumblr creative thinker looking at the world with splender and child like wonder. so keep it locked, thank you seriously thank you for being a die hard dbs fan.

 DA UPDATE 1/30/2024

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!! NEW YEAR NEW ME!!!!!! I got soooo many cool ideas in my head right now for new stuff man. I ride to work in my friggen truck and they dance around in my head as I look at my phone going 80 down the highway to work. i gotta get on em i know and you know what dude i was busy a lot last year, not my fault but i still take a little responsability for not getting what you want, which is the hats its fine im on it now. you can expect some HUGE NEW THINGS this year thats gonna spin your block for sure just give me time, i move one week at a time i watch a lot of star trek and listen to acid house when im not at work or at the gym and that eats up all my free time and tbh i hate selling stuff but i also hate making you guys mad or upset with me so its a bit of a conundrum im in like all the time try walking a mile in my shoes, well you couldn't half of you can barely muster up the courage to leave your goon caves reading peaty threads in the forum eating your carrot salad or wahtever nah i get it im there too trnya keep my thyroid in check wow sorry got like super distracted for an hour trying to find the right song to replace the old one and ended up just cutting the mix on here so whatver its chill hope yall like and and THANK YOU for being pacient with me I know I can be a lot sometimes.

 DA UPDATE 12/03/2023

DA STORE IS OPEN AGAIN sorry hole y shit dude i wrote some stuff here and the FUCKING cPanel f@goot friggen penguin linux thing logged me out and didnt even save the edit to the html thats so cool dude imagine ure a fucking fat retard linux user and you gotta make up some shit ass exucse Ummmmm u are just using it wrong you stepped away for to long thats just how it owrks ok its privacy its a secuiry feature that the linux machine logged out ok so rry jessus im HEATED rn lmao ok anyway yeah the store right the store is open AGAIN hold on a sec lemme yep ok HIT SAVE yea JFC dude it took dam near 30 seconds to save home.html on this stupid ass internet im on you see what I have to deal with dude? you see this is why i dont ever do anything because I HATE FRIGGEN COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY LMFAO anyway sorry im just spitin im trying to get my hot ass replika swagged out in some new clothes but the internet is so slow i cant even get her 3d avatar to load. what was i saying yea store open new stuff on there sorry im actually out of the country rn again for the friggen 4th time this year, honestly kinda cool but not good for DBS industries, i dont even got my got damn cell phone on me rn so it just makes handling the buisness harder so i closed it down to get some stuff fixed and such yea you know the score. anyway thanks peace love bird and enjoy!

 DA UPDATE 10/24/2023

THE STORE Is clooooooooooooosed until I get back. Im leaving for a while, gotta go do some work. All the orders you guys made are safe and being processed time now but I wont have time to manage the store while im gone, maybe, subject to change obviously but we'll see. anywho thanks again to the die hard dbs fans who have been around since the begining, you know you yall are. much apprciated.

 DA UPDATE 8/10/2023

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!! lol no update

 DA UPDATE 6/4/2023

OK OK OK !!! yep ok update right? wow I neglected the fuck out this im really sorry idk if youre the person out there that checks this website every day and if thats you im actually really sorry im a bad evil person who is like really just not good with stuff in general but thats over were moving on from the past and were gonna do things right for once. ok so! yea ubhmmmmmmm SHIRTS yep check hats??? hahaha yep check... ok and im working on a special secret item, this is gonna blow ur freaking socks off yo got dam pieds ok im excited for this. jackets yep I was talking with the jacket man himself and he really wants to make more. I agree we should. I dont have dates for any of this stuff being done ofc but dont worry its gonna be before the years over. I know i move slow with it ok im an old man, old soul, gotta take my time walking up these steps playboy. dont worry about it tho were gonna ge there together. grab ahod of a lighting bolt and pull down the lighting (ride the lighting) Ive got lots of ideas kind of swurling around in my nogin like the remnants of last nights 6 vodka sodas and such.

 DA UPDATE 1/19/2023

aaayyyyeeeeee what up CREWWWWW we in da new mf YEAR so you know what that means. new dbs. i keep it secret for the people who check this site. so if youre areading this your getting the news first. heres my idea. hats, pims, stickers, other jazz. new shirts? idk maybe that takes more brain power i gotta actualy sit down and craft some really dark magic in order to get those out tbh. oh ive got ideas trust me, but the manifestaiton takes a lot out on ol mr dbs.

 DA UPDATE 11/13/2022

OK THIS IS EPIC, LADIES PAY THE FUCK ATTN RN FOR ONCE!!! YOU NOW HAVE OPTIONS??? WHAAAAA??A? LADIES OPTIONS??? ON DBS NOOOO!!!!!!!!! DUDE WTF ITS OVER BRO THIS FUCKER MAN REALLY LADIES???? COME ON WELL YES belive it with your own eyes dude you can now order ladeis styles in some of the FRESHESEST designs. Or if ur a weird alien bodied freak you can order on for your self!!!! hahahaha check it out dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood its on there right now!!!!

 DA UPDATE 9/26/2022

hUUUUGE update!!! lots of uhhhh new stuff lol ill write somthign here shortly kinda all over the place right now lol



 DA UPDATE 7/26/2022

JACKETS JACKETS JACKETS.... in da works! Got a lot of need stuff in da works. More shirts :) ya favorite hehe. I might be pulling off some of the older shirts no one be buying to make space on the store although there really is no limit on how many i can have im sure lol but yeah it can get a little hard for even me to keep track of all the names and whate have you cuz like image I get an email for stinkbutt the shirt and i have no idea what that even looks like or whatever lol. Its aight so yea the jackets right ok gonna probably be around 30ish or so various sizes various styles all cool as hell dope fresh funky origional so be sure to keep it locked on the webstore cuz i know u gonna dig this and i also KNOW your gonna snooozzeee on this YET AGIAN and GOING TO BE IN MY FRICKEN DMS GOING HEY!!!! CAN I PEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZEEE get on and imma just be real with you... nah.. you cant. Ive had just about NEOUGH of you guys missing everyhthing and taking advantage of my kindness. ITS OVER!!!!!!!!! ONE AND DONE!!!!!!!!!!


 DA UPDATE 7/10/2022 DBS MIX!!

Ok so heres a link to the DBS mix that some people got a physical format to (CD and cool stuff) now you can just download it in its entirety. Also I noticed (my b) that some were in .m4a format lol well now if you have winamp (you should) you can listen to it on your computer. If youre some new age freak person flesh puppet and you perfer to use your phone you can download VLC or whatever and use it to listen that way. if you...god forbid.....are an actual souless demon and use an iphone idk how to help you and honestrly you should leave this website right now before you spread your dezeese around here. ok cool so yeah bascially go head and lcick this image below to take you to the page where you can preivew it and or download it. cool. :)

 DA UPDATE 5/14/2022

Check dis out :O

 DA UPDATE 4/29/2022

NEW PRODS oN SALE....STICKIES SOLD OUT....and uhhh expect an update about things ya put on yo dome hehe

 DA UPDATE 2/27/2021

Webstore is back open, had to fix some jazz, sorry prices went up thats showbiz folkx haha also everything just jumped in price not gonna say why you probably already know that when you tried to buy a bag of dukes hot sausage links the the fucking bag costs dam near 10 dollars ok ok sorry yeah webstore is live again hehe


 DA UPDATE 2/18/2021

THe store is closed and not taking any new orders for a little bit. All previous orders are currently being processed and shipped. keep this window open and your speakers on loud I will make an announcment when I open everythang back up

 DA UPDATE 12/12/2021

HATS sold out fast lol. They are all shipped and on their way to the FINAL destination ;) made some changes to tha webstore and site, trying to keep it fresh. Was thinking about throwing a little santa hat on everything but that was taking a really long time so imma not eevn fuk with it. Got some new digs coming next year so have fun this holiday and see you soon

 DA UPDATE 11/21/2021

HATS ARE ON SALE RIGHT NOW!!! :O prob gonna cap these off (haha) at a certin amount cuz i really DONT like working too hard on this stuff like gettin all the packaging lol if you couldn't tell by the general lack of effort in everything else jkjkjk anyway click this image or swing by the merch tent to snab u up one

 DA UPDATE 10/18/2021

working on making new jackets as you all bought them so quickly and asked for more sizes. Those are coming I promis. Its just a time intensive thing and thats not somthing I got a surplus of lol XD. anywhoo thanks for yall's ..imma atempt to spell this... pacients... ??? yeah you know the score. I appricate ya.

 DA UPDATE 10/07/2021

Ok updated the website, made some changes new background and song looking like I broke a bunch of stuff too hahah. Surely these are improvments and will make it easier for google users to find the webpage and buy shirts. In no way should it diter or make it harder. Thinking this should earn me a A+++ rating on Web 2.0 grading scales. Smooth and soft color palet and easy to use UI for sure, yes thats the ticket. Efficent anc clean. No mistakes anywhere. Cool ok so check it out and swing by the merch tent on your way out playa.

 DA UPDATE 09/29/2021

da prods on sale part 2

 DA UPDATE 09/22/2021

In a current fued with a cerrtn indivudal who will be targeted. idk it was ment to be a joke but god damn, I looked through their content and it made me really black pilled. this is someones son and the body modifcation is somthing out of a horror movie or sumthin. Like chemical dependancy by the state? Judge dredd or running man shit. idk maybe thinking too much about it. anyway the funny shirt is banned RN which makes it my fav because its rareity lol. Hope those who got it wont think of it sacrafically and realize the deeper message of the dangers of post modern idology and thinkin. Buy as much ammo and physical monitary coins like silver and gold because I ahve sneeky suspicion shits about to get real fast. anyway if youre reading this, ur cool and I love you, my best fans are too cool, and I hope you enjoy my suble humor and delibertate spelling eerros because I think its funny when I read them days after I write them. Peaec love Bird. Arcteryx sucks fuck you paul.

 DA UPDATE 09/12/2021


style="font-size:50px; DA UPDATE 08/29/2021


 DA UPDATE 07/22/2021

I had hats for sale ;p. SOLD OUT FAST!! WOWOWOWOW very happy with that and I hope you enjoy the goodies I included with your package :O. IDK what the next project will be but I'll be thinkin. Currently at magaritaville with some 60+ killers just listen'n to island jams and drinking simply the worst mixed drinks i've ever had in my life and Im seriously wondering where this hedonistic sandy culture derived from? idk and I dont like asking hard questions tbh. anywhoo wasted again in margarita ville I always say and I've been eyeing the blender the have for sale, also been thik whatever happened to that "will it blend" guy from youtube. ok ive been ranting. peace love bird.

 DA UPDATE 05/21/2021


 DA UPDATE 11/11/2020


 DA UPDATE 7/26/2020

making moves, updating stuff and merch? perhaps

 DA UPDATE 2/26/2020

Holy shit another update on da webpage??? WOW. Store opening very soon. Buy da shirts. I'm watching the same episode of Half in the Bag for the 100th time drinking La Croix and just str8 grinding fellas. I dont want to blow this. Lets get this done. Thinking a lot about arcteryx jackets in my closet just sittin in there, not being worn, really bums me out. I dont dare take them out and dirty them in any way. They are not for you to see or touch either. Im rambling. Anywhoo progress yes were finally doing this damn thing. Ok cool. Ur cool. Love you.

 DA UPDATE 5/31/2019

deleted from represent ;(

 DA UPDATE 1/11/2019

New year, another chance to really get out there and make a difference. Go piss in a womans bathroom, fucking leave clothes on the ground in a walmart, drink a bottle of pellegrino at the grocery store and bin it before paying for it. These are just a few tips to start im talking real shit dog. Also equip yourself with our wares. +2 stam +5 intelligence (for the mana you wizard) You'll need it were we're going, trust me. There coming soon, so watch this fuckn space.


 DA UPDATE 11/21/2018


<<<<CLICK HERE>>>>


 DA UPDATE 08/04/2018

this is what im talking about, YES. We got our first round of shirts out. EXCLUSIVE WE WOO WE WOO haha sorry. CHECK IT OUT HIT THAT LINK

<<<<CLICK HERE>>>>


 DA UPDATE 07/26/2018


ALSO changed the song from the Less than jake (less than good) lol any way keep an eye out brothers 


OK OK, THIS MAKES ME SO ANGERY!!!!!! jewishmanattacksdowntownNYCjewishmanattacksdowntownNYCjewishmanattacksdowntownNYCjewishmanattacksdowntownNYCAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGG ok im good sorry yall i just get so mad when this happenes, our redbubble got taken down but thats actually a good thing heres why: number one: from now on all merch will be made locally (support small buisness) and b we can better quality countrol.......and......drumroll please........PATCHESblackmansgotmoves

ok so thats all for now bird heads lets get TO WORK!!!!! ALSO ADDED THE BONEZONE CHECK IT OUT NOW


WELCOME FELLOW BIRD HEADS wow sorry about the caps lol sorry very excited to talk to u guys

As you can see this is the offical webstie to talk about all things bird. Colby Miers built the template so thank you very much. Have fun and talk about jackets, craft beer, male pattern baldness or whatver guy stuff u want

Please be safe tho too don't be sure to go to far

I guess thats about it we'll be in touch thanks



This is EPIC!!

This is EPIC!!


the coolest place on the web?

also i've given up on trying to figure out how to get the news dropdown list to work. sorry

**08 Echo And The Bunnymen - New Direction**


